A guide to preventive dental treatments from our dentist


Today at Bovingdon Dental we look into a topic that is close to our hearts, and paramount to our work – preventive dental treatments. It’s an area we feel is fundamental, yet often overlooked when it comes to maintaining your health. So, let’s peel back the curtain and shed some light on this crucial subject.

The undervalued role of prevention in dentistry

It’s natural to think of dentistry in the context of resolving issues – filling a cavity, extracting a tooth, or treating gum disease. But at the heart of our practice, we believe that prevention is better than cure. Preventive treatments are like the unsung heroes of dentistry, diligently working in the background used by our dentist in Bovingdon to maintain your oral health and prevent the onset of dental issues.

What exactly are preventive treatments?

Preventive treatments encompass a range of services designed to maintain oral health and ward off potential dental problems before they become serious issues. This includes regular dental check-ups, teeth cleaning, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, mouthguards for sports, and more.

Regular dental check-ups are pivotal with our dentist in Bovington. They allow us to detect early signs of potential problems such as cavities, gum diseases, or oral cancer. Professional teeth cleaning, or prophylaxis, is another key preventive treatment. It involves removing plaque and tartar that regular brushing and flossing might miss, thus helping prevent gum diseases.

Fluoride treatments are like the superheroes of tooth decay prevention. The fluoride acts to strengthen the enamel, the tooth’s outer layer, making it more resistant to acidic damage from plaque bacteria and dietary sugars in the mouth.

Another champion in our preventive toolbox is the dental sealant. They provide thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth, preventing food particles and bacteria from settling in the nooks and crannies of these teeth, significantly reducing the risk of cavities.

Making preventive treatments work for you

Now that we understand what preventive treatments entail, let’s focus on how to incorporate them into your oral health routine. Our dentist in Bovingdon takes a personalised approach to preventive care, recognising that each patient’s needs are unique. It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy; it’s about creating a prevention plan that works best for you.

For some, this might mean biannual check-ups and cleanings, while others might need more frequent visits or additional treatments like fluoride applications or sealants. We consider various factors, including your age, dental history, lifestyle habits, and specific risk factors, to tailor a preventive care plan that meets your unique oral health needs.

Preventive treatments are a collaborative effort. While we provide the necessary professional care, your role in maintaining daily oral hygiene routines – such as regular brushing, flossing, and healthy eating – is vital in making these treatments effective.

Our invitation to a healthier smile

We invite you to embrace preventive treatments as a powerful tool in your dental care arsenal. Remember, these treatments are not about dealing with problems as they occur, but proactively safeguarding your smile. It’s about taking a stand today for your oral health tomorrow.

Investing in preventive treatments is truly investing in your overall health. Studies have linked oral health to systemic health, drawing connections between dental diseases and conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. By prioritising preventive dental care, you’re not just preserving your smile, but contributing to your overall wellbeing.